MEMBERS, to receive your discount, please follow these steps:
Register for our site using the email address associated with your membership by clicking "Create an Account" (top right corner of this page) .
If you are already registered, login by clicking “Sign In” (top right corner of this page).
Select the number of tickets (max. 2 at discounted rate) in the appropriate category and click the blue "Submit" button (lower left corner of this page) .
Enter your registrant information.
Click "Add to Cart." NOTE: Member discounts will be adjusted on the NEXT page.
DISCOUNT HOLDERS, the discount code field will be available on the NEXT page after you submit your registrant information and click “Add to Cart.”
All sales are final; refunds are not permitted. Exchanges and credit for future programs only. Programs and dates may be subject to change. The Museum of the City of New York reserves the right to refuse admission to latecomers. Program tickets do not include Museum Admission unless otherwise noted.
MEMBERS, to receive your discount, please follow these steps:
Register for our site using the email address associated with your membership by clicking "Create an Account" (top right corner of this page) .
If you are already registered, login by clicking “Sign In” (top right corner of this page).
Select the number of tickets (max. 2 at discounted rate) in the appropriate category and click the blue "Submit" button (lower left corner of this page) .
Enter your registrant information.
Click "Add to Cart." NOTE: Member discounts will be adjusted on the NEXT page.
DISCOUNT HOLDERS, the discount code field will be available on the NEXT page, after you’ve submitted your registrant information and clicked “Add to Cart.”
All sales are final; refunds not permitted. Exchanges and credit for future programs only. Programs and dates may be subject to change. The Museum of the City of New York reserves the right to refuse admission to latecomers. Program tickets do not include Museum Admission unless otherwise noted.
By purchasing tickets online, you agree to pay the full admission price.
Pay-what-you-can admission is only available at ticket counters.
Your ticket purchase includes all-day admission to the Museum.
Admission (includes all exhibitions)
Adults: $23
Seniors (65+): $18
Students (19+): $14 (with I.D.)
Under age 18: Free
Members: Free
Event Logistics:
Doors open at 12:45 PM
Performance begins at 1:30 PM
MEMBERS, to receive your discount, please follow these steps:
Register for our site using the email address associated with your membership by clicking "Create an Account" (top right corner of this page) .
If you are already registered, login by clicking “Sign In” (top right corner of this page).
Select the number of tickets (max. 2 at discounted rate) in the appropriate category and click the blue "Submit" button (lower left corner of this page) .
Enter your registrant information.
Click "Add to Cart." NOTE: Member discounts will be adjusted on the NEXT page.
DISCOUNT HOLDERS, the discount code field will be available on the NEXT page, after you’ve submitted your registrant information and clicked “Add to Cart.”
All sales are final; refunds not permitted. Exchanges and credit for future programs only. Programs and dates may be subject to change. The Museum of the City of New York reserves the right to refuse admission to latecomers. Program tickets do not include Museum Admission unless otherwise noted.
Museum and Museum Store hours
Mon thru Fri: 10am–5pm
Sat & Sun: 10am–6pm
Admission (includes all exhibitions)
New York State Residents*
Admission For All Other Visitors
Adults |
$23 |
Seniors (65+)* |
$18 |
Students (19+)* |
$14 |
18 & Under** |
Free |
Members |
Free |
*With ID, does not apply to groups of ten (10) or more.
**Does not apply to groups of ten (10) or more.
By purchasing tickets online, you agree to pay the full admission price.
Pay-what-you-can admission is only available at ticket counters.
Required Group Admission (10+) People
Adult Groups
K-12 Student Groups
Students |
$5.00 each |
Teachers |
Free with ID |
The Museum is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day.
Please select the date of your tickets above.
MEMBERS, to receive your discount, please follow these steps:
Register for our site using the email address associated with your membership by clicking "Create an Account" (top right corner of this page) .
If you are already registered, login by clicking “Sign In” (top right corner of this page).
Select the number of tickets (max. 2 at discounted rate) in the appropriate category and click the blue "Submit" button (lower left corner of this page) .
Enter your registrant information.
Click "Add to Cart." NOTE: Member discounts will be adjusted on the NEXT page.
DISCOUNT HOLDERS, the discount code field will be available on the NEXT page, after you’ve submitted your registrant information and clicked “Add to Cart.”
All sales are final; refunds not permitted. Exchanges and credit for future programs only. Programs and dates may be subject to change. The Museum of the City of New York reserves the right to refuse admission to latecomers. Program tickets do not include Museum Admission unless otherwise noted.
This program is part of the MCNY's The Ronay Menschel Lecture series.
Event Logistics:
MEMBERS, to receive your discount, please follow these steps:
- Register for our site using the email address associated with your membership by clicking "Create an Account" (top right corner of this page)
- If you are already registered, login by clicking “Sign In” (top right corner of this page)
- Select the number of tickets (max. 2 at discounted rate) in the appropriate category and click the blue "Submit" button (lower left corner of this page)
- Enter your registrant information
- Click "Add to Cart" (NOTE: Member discounts will be adjusted on the NEXT page)
DISCOUNT HOLDERS, the discount code field will be available on the NEXT page, after you’ve submitted your registrant information and clicked “Add to Cart”
All sales are final; refunds not permitted. Exchanges and credit for future programs only. Programs and dates may be subject to change. The Museum of the City of New York reserves the right to refused admission to latecomers.
Please contact with any questions or ticketing issues.
This program is part of the MCNY's The Curator's Cup series.
Event Logistics:
MEMBERS, to receive your discount, please follow these steps:
- Register for our site using the email address associated with your membership by clicking "Create an Account" (top right corner of this page)
- If you are already registered, login by clicking “Sign In” (top right corner of this page)
- Select the number of tickets (max. 2 at discounted rate) in the appropriate category and click the blue "Submit" button (lower left corner of this page)
- Enter your registrant information
- Click "Add to Cart" (NOTE: Member discounts will be adjusted on the NEXT page)
DISCOUNT HOLDERS, the discount code field will be available on the NEXT page, after you’ve submitted your registrant information and clicked “Add to Cart”
All sales are final; refunds not permitted. Exchanges and credit for future programs only. Programs and dates may be subject to change. The Museum of the City of New York reserves the right to refused admission to latecomers.
Please contact with any questions or ticketing issues.